Sunday, April 29, 2007


I took this beauitful picture yesterday at my mother in laws house. She said she is running out of ideas for her photo a day blog. This is to show that you can get a number of photos just going to her house and taking pictures of all of her great things. As you can tell I love sepia tone pics. I tried it in black and white. It looks good that way too but I love this way. Her latice porch is the perfect back drop.


smilnsigh said...

Wonderful idea for a photo a day inspiration. I took some pics of sconces in my next door son/d-i-law's house not long ago. :-))))

Although I don't try for a photo a day. I kind of go in spurts and starts with my photo blogs.

Of which, I now have two! :-)


smilnsigh said...

-sigh- Third try...


smilnsigh said...

I give up!


Unknown said...

Rats!! It started to load then just disappeared and only a X was left? I'll try again later?

Day4plus said...

Erin, don't let Sue think she can't find pics for her daily photo blog. there are pictures everywhere. I just take pictures everywhere. the dog, cat, grass, flowers, marbles anything. It is all beautiful. You have a nice blog. Marybeth